Regular young man meets strange mansion, two sexy girls and a wondrous woman.

No one under fourteen has any sex in this story.


Upon invitation to enter my father’s private office in the home, I find him sitting at his desk examining a document that I recognize as the grade report from the very exclusive educational academy that I attend.

Father looks up and motions for me to take the visitor’s seat in front of his desk until he is free from his intense interest in the contents of the document.

As his eyes scan the document, I look him over and again recognize his amazing youthful appearance and demeanor. I know for sure that he is at least fifty-five years old, but no one sitting where I am currently seated would take him for over thirty-five.

I have been sitting for only five minutes when he finally looks up, but it seems much longer to me. I confirm the time by checking with my very useful but inexpensive watch. In all my years of being his son and living with him, I can’t remember him ever making an unwise purchase. Just his character, I guess.

“Son, in looking over your school report, I find that you have done excellently in your studies and they assert that you are due to graduate in two months with a top secondary school degree, third highest in your class.” And then with warm affectionate eyes, “I am very proud of you, son. You have exceeded any expectations of mine for your youth. Your mother and I look forward to seeing how you progress for the rest of your life.”

With that assertion, I smile back to my familial hero, my father. And I think to myself, I wonder why he stays so young and my mother who was ten years younger than dad when they married and a stirring beauty, too? If the pictures of that time don’t lie. She has seemed to move past him in maturity of body, though she is still a very fine-looking woman.

Then father picks up the thread of his thoughts and follows with, “It is noted that since you wish to pursue some kind of technical degree, perhaps aeronautical engineering, that you should firm up your handling of calculus. So, during the summer, of which you will get plenty of time to sport around with your friends, you will have a tutor to firm you up on that subject.

Any questions, son?”

“No, father, I think that that covers it all. I would still like to work a bit of part-time at cousin Ralph’s grocery store. Even though I am pursuing an engineering future, I still have enjoyed my working for him in the meantime.”

“I will inquire of him about that, and am confident of his approval, since he does need extra summer help and he had often remarked on your fine work habits at the store.”

“Thank you, father. With that I assume that I am dismissed and so will go to send a little time with mother in the garden.”

“Good idea Wilhelm, she very much enjoys your help there.”

So, I nod to father and take my leave from his office to leave him with whatever other pursuits that he might have arranged for the day.

Near the end of the summer, I was walking down our hallway, when father stopped me to inform me that his Uncle Fitzgerald was accepting me as a live-in student at the local college for the duration of my education. Along with other unspecified advantages, it would save my family a considerable amount of expenses during my continuing education. And besides, Uncle was known to be as rich as many of the billionaires of our time. And father had stayed at the same home for his education, too.

A couple of weeks before classes would start, I was getting out of a taxi with my rather small suitcase and staring at the oddest sight that I had ever seen in my life. It was this giant pile of stone and masonry sitting right in the middle of a full city block, with a red tile roof and it seemed like acres of lawn around it.

All of the bushes and trees were close to the house, from their outer reach, to the solid iron fence completely surrounding the plot was nothing but open area of well-maintained grass. In fact, I could see a young man riding on a very modern riding mower tending to it as I observed. He looked up to me and smiled and then returned his attentions to the job at hand. There was a definite pattern to the mowing and it was very decorative in appearance.

As the cab drove away with a Marcus, the cab driver, shaking his head with the appearance that he had just dropped off a fare at an empty lot; I took my roller suitcase with me up to the gate leading to the front door. As I got closer, I could feel a definite tension in the air. It was like being in a room with high voltage electricity and feeling the static charge from it. But this didn’t feel like any electricity that I had ever experienced.

As I moved to the gate, I felt some resistance to my motions, but at some point, whatever was producing this phenomenon evidently differentiated me from unwelcome visitors and the gate opened for me to take the sidewalk all the way up to the opening front door. Even from the distance from the gate, I could see that there was someone waiting for me at the door. And when I arrived there, a gaunt and tall man of mature age welcomed me in silently and with his hand on my shoulder escorted me to the office of the man of the house.

When the door to the private space opened to me, I recognized the inspiration of my father’s private office immediately. They were very similar in form and function, I would guess.

I knew to just take the seat facing him and await his attentions when he could break away from whatever was dominating it at the time. And when he looked up, he smiled like he was seeing a long-lost friend. “You have much of the look and manner of your father when he first came to the house!”

I wondered at that statement, since my father was though youthful looking still at the advanced aged of his mid-fifties. And so, anyone that had to greet him when he had come to this house would have to be very aged by this time, and the man before me had the look of a man still in his thirties. But, being raised to be quiet unless addressed and respectful to my superiors, I held my voce under strict control.

“I can feel the control that you are using to hold in your vocal curiosity at that statement and with what you have already experienced with this house. I feel that that bodes well for your educational stay with us. You can probably imagine that your education will take some variant avenues, also. Just as your father’s did. And from what I gather, he has prospered very well in response to all that he did for himself and what the factors of this house did for him, also.

By the way, how is your mother? I haven’t seen her since the wedding at this home. She was such a sweet girl and very beautiful, too.”

“She is fine sir, still lovely and deeply in love with my father, if what I see is correct.”

“Yes, I would trust it to be so. And now, I will have Mindy the maid accompany you to your assigned bedroom and study. You will find a closet full of clothing appropriate for college wear, even in this day. That is why you were asked to not bring many items of clothing. And there is a computer terminal there, too. So, you should be well positioned for your foray into the advanced educational system, my young man.”

And with the arrival of the cute little French-dressed maid, he dismissed me with a genuine smile and turned his attentions back to whatever had been occupying them with my arrival. “Be off with you boy,” rang out as I closed the door.

As I dragged my suitcase along the hallways and up the staircase, I couldn’t help but see the covered rear-end carriage of the lady that was leading me. Her very brief maid’s costume covered little, but her fine looking rear-end, tight pretty panty covered, was definitely open for my view as we made progress through the house. It was beyond belief that she wasn’t aware of this, but she showed no concern over it as we progressed. Just part of her duties, I supposed.

When we arrived at my rooms, she showed me around and then asked me to rest up a bit before lunch, which would be formal on this the occasion of my new arrival in the house. She then mentioned that after lunch, she would take me about the house and grounds to get to know it well, along with whatever areas that would be off limits for me. I was a bit off-thinking about that, but when my mind cleared, it of course made perfect sense that a house of this size and complexity would have private spaces for nonpublic view and usage.

For lunch this day she took me to the small snacking kiosk, since I was late to share in the formal lunch time with the rest of the residents. While I was eating my P and J sandwich with a gourmet root beer, she informed me that the old mansion had four main floors, a full attic and also a full basement. The basement was the laundry for the whole house and the workshop for anything needing repairs. The house was kept in tip top condition as I could see.

The first floor was the cooking, dining and social center. The second was a series of suites and individual bedrooms. A modest suite on that floor now being mine for the next few years. The third floor was the Master’s and the fourth floor was for staff and included a working gym for everyone. The purpose of the attic remained completely unexplained and so I gathered that it was not to be discussed or to be curious about, either.

Then she took me on an extended tour to get to know all of the areas that I would be allowed to enter and use. It took over two hours because of the stairs and an unexpected diversion to a cleaning closet on the fourth floor.

When we came up to it, she grabbed my arm and guided me in to sit on a bed that was contained in it. Bed in a cleaning closet??? Made me wonder, but the wondering soon gave way to another form of wonder.

As I sat on the bed, she opened up her tight-fitting blouse to let the ‘ladies’ free. And they burst forth with considerable enthusiasm from me. And then she bent over and removed her panties, to my wonder. Since, I had never seen a woman’s privates in person before, just on some rather tame porno, this was of considerable interest to me.

But there was nothing tame about this! She reached down and gathered me up into her arms with my face between her titties. I was completely awash with lust, but unsure of what was going to be permitted to me. That answer came very quickly as she admonished me that I was going to get it all at that time.

So, she didn’t wait for me to catch up, but proceeded to give me prodigious kissing, with tongue and all. Her hands moved to my rear end and she pulled me tightly up to her.

After an undetermined time period, that seemed like forever to me, she backed off and moved my lips to alternately love up her breasts, and my free hand to caress her privates. Her free hand moved to my member still contained in my slacks.

I knew enough of what was transpiring to know that when I felt a wetness on my member and one in her pussy, that it was time to move on to the main event. But first she moved me to my knees to service her pussy with my lips. Something that I had long waited for, for several years of my youth. I wasn’t disappointed, either.

When she was evidently satisfied with my initiation of her sex, she pulled me up, knelt before me and took my cock immediately into her mouth. I thought that I would explode right then, but she evidently was very experienced and pulled free before that happened. And then she bent over the headboard of the bed and widened her hips. I saw the target in sight and moved to enter it to her vocal encouragement.

She advised me to go ahead and blow the tube free, since it was my first time. She said that I would gain control over that as time and experiences piled up. So, I just plowed right in and after only about five minutes, I shot whatever was coming out of my penis all the way up as far it could go in her and she then wiped her pussy and wiped that onto my lips with, “See what you have done. Be very responsible about that.” And then we dressed and left.

She pointed the way to my rooms and then turned and sashayed down the corridor having forgotten to replace her panties, or maybe not.

As I sat on my bed and tried to process what had just happened, I noticed a small booklet on my desk. It on the cover was entitled: Helpful Suggestions. Among the many in over twenty-four pages was to let Mindy know if I noticed any spills or stains in the house. One of the reasons that the Master didn’t like us having our meals in our rooms. We were allowed snacks there, though. And Mindy was in charge with administering the cleaning crew of the home, among other things.

A couple of strange notices were that in case of fire, unless a person was right next to an external exit, it was best to stay right where you were, close any doors and hit the emergency (green) button behind the main access to engage the air circulation system. With that came the notice that the house and the furnishings were virtually fireproof. No reason for that was given.

In a personal note to me on a separate piece of paper folded into the pages of the booklet was a notice that Mindy was available to me for my comforting any time that I would need her. That they wouldn’t be welcoming any nonresident women into the house for me for several years, if ever.

And there was a reemphasis that I was to stay away from any rooms that I had not been introduced to, until they were opened to me, if ever. I got the message in that. Curiosity about unknown things and places in this house was not welcome.

I then took a brief nap to ready myself for my first presentation to the whole household at dinner, which was nearly always formal.

When I awoke, I looked into the closet and found several sets of formal dinner outfits. Previously my father’s. One of them still had his name, Lancaster, on a medallion on its chest. I removed and set the medallion aside and brushed it up to proper appearance and donned it for dinner.

When I appeared, the last to sit, The Master nodded when he saw my dinner apparel. There was a slight smile shown, when he recognized it as previously worn by my father while in his residence.

The various persons at the table were introduced to me, and it became obvious that even the staff members were seated at it, at the farthest from the head. I was seated on the right-hand side, next to my uncle and on the other side of him was an empty chair, with a full setting and no seater. No mention of this was made during the meal. But I got many welcomes from the voices of the family and staff.

There was only one person of about my age, Cynthia, the Master’s daughter or lover, it was not revealed to me at that time. But, with a very young body, she had old eyes. A bit disconcerting. Like they could look right through me. And I detected a small amount of interest in my person, too. I thought that I would be careful of that, since I had no idea of her true place in the home, nor of what Uncle would think of any entanglements between her and I.

‘Here, look at me,’ I thought. ‘I was a virgin just a few hours ago and already I have two women to concern myself with. And one that I have already been intimate with. Boy, if this is a sign of the changes to come, it is going to be a really wild ride over the next nine years.’

The next day, Philip the butler drove me to the college to get my books and lesson outlines. I was told that a lot of my work could be done online, but that there were some lectures that I was obligated to attend. So, when I got at home, I outlined on my calendar the necessary lectures. And I indicated the others too, so that I could attend at least some of them. And then before dinner I set out the books and outlines and planned to have at least three lessons on each subject studied and prepared for, for the beginning of classes in a couple of weeks.

About then, Mindy stopped by to see how I was doing and offered to help me dress for dinner. We had a good forty minutes before showing. She was already in her dinner dress, which was slightly more covering than her maid’s outfit.

So, she had me undress in front of her, for some reason I wasn’t bothered by that at all. And she led me to the shower. Then after I got wetted down, she got out the body soap and sudsed me up and stroked my skin with a luffa, then with a back brush and finally she grabbed the shower head and rinsed me off to be sparkling clean. I knew it was so, because she told me.

With me clean, she took one of the gargantuan bath towels and dried me off. To say that I was enjoying this, is to indicate you were not there and didn’t enjoy this for yourself.

And then she unlidded the toilet and had me lean over it with my hands on the wall. I was unsure of what this was all about but found out soon enough. She took some of the body lotion from the bottle on the back of the toilet tank and lubed up my member, which was pointed down towards the toilet bowl.

Then of all things, she mounted her mouth up to my anus, licked around it for a minute or so and then entered it with her tongue while milking my dick towards the bowl. I couldn’t take this for long and soon emptied down into the bowl and then rose up and turned her around on her feet to hold her tight and kiss the hell out of her. To her surprise.

Then she smiled and said that that was enough and we both got into proper order to attend dinner. We arrived right on time and no one acted as if they knew anything that had gone on before the main course. Cynthia was looking my way a bit suspicious, though.

That night when I had finished some of my first lessons with hard-copy submissions to pass in with them, Cynthia came by my bedroom. Evidently, she had a key to my door, because she simply walked in to my stunned surprise. When I was about to question this intrusion, she let me know that she usually rotated among the males of the house in sleeping arrangements, but there was to be no ‘funny business’ unless she initiated it. I nodded with my acceptance of that. After all, I was only one day from being a virgin and had already had two experiences that most men never get in their whole lives.

She had brought her night clothing in a small satchel and in front of me undressed to don them. She could have done this in her own room, so I read some message in this that I didn’t get at the time. And I moved to dress for bed myself and we settled in with us cradled up together in ‘spoon’ and slept the night away. In the morning I had to admit that it was very pleasant to have her with me, sex or not.

After breakfast the next morning, Cynthia let me know that she was going to show me around the grounds that were a lot more developed than appeared frpm the streets around the house’s plot.

First of all, she showed me the receiving room in the small building at the back of the property, which would normally be an alternative entry to the property. But the few persons welcomed to the house always came into the front and no one was ever allowed to deliver anything directly to the house.

As I scanned the exterior of the house from the grounds around it, I could see that it was profound in its use of native rock and masonry. I couldn’t see one stick of wood on the outside at all. And all of the bottom floor widows were high up off the ground to discourage any attempts at bogus entry.

Then there was the puzzle of the fact that the iron fence around the property was of a nature that could be easily surmounted. But, as far as I heard, no one had ever tried. Evidently the static charge felt upon nearing it had its effect on any would be trespassers.

Since I am not that into foliage, I passed on studying the bushes, trees and flower beds around the place. I knew that my mother would have loved to see them, though. And as I gave them a cursory look, I could see some resemblance to what she had done around our own home.

Things were very calm for the next couple of days and I progressed in my studies very well. I had all of the work ready a week in advance of the first classes and therefore read up on Wikipedia on the subjects from other perspectives.

On the fourth day of my residence, Mindy showed up at my rooms for the night and I welcomed her into my bed with the curiosity of what she would share with me that might. It turned out that during my whole residence at the house, none of her sex lessons with me were ever exactly the same.

She roused me up very quickly and then with her breasts laying down on her chest, she rose up over me and plunged down onto my cock and rode us to climax heaven. At least it was for me and the evidence was that it was for her, too. She closed our session with, “You are very much like your dad!” And then settled down to comfort me through the night.

Four days later, Cynthia favored me with her presence again for the night. No sex allowed, but some innocent caressing and hugging was allowed by her. And obviously enjoyed by both of us.

From this time on, this pattern continued on, with only brief and slight deviations of form.

Classes started, studying became my primary obsession, and everything seemed really stable at this point.

However, during my winter holiday break, I happened to be wandering the hallways late at night for no discernable purpose. Just out of boredom, I guess. And all of a sudden, a flash of light and glowing heat streaked down to and past me into the distance. And of all things it was shaped like a tall, white-haired and gorgeous woman. I had no idea of what this was about, but since I was familiar with a number of like beings in fables, I dubbed it the Wraith. This was one cipher of the house that I was determined to solve, despite my uncle’s admonition to let the mysteries of the house alone. Turned out later, that he knew all the time that this would intrigue me, just as it had my father.

So, to satisfy my spirit of discovery, I set out a plan to find out what if anything this was about.

Over the next three months, going into spring, I saw nothing further of the Wraith. I did get to see a lot more of Cynthia, though. She was now sleeping with me three nights a week. And wearing far more enticing nightwear, too. I wasn’t sure of it, but I began to think that Cynthia’s attraction to sleeping with me was my uncle’s idea. This was because though she was very comfortable sleeping with me, she hadn’t wanted for it to move on to anything else. But I wasn’t complaining since Mindy with her encyclopedic knowledge of sex games was taking really good care of me. And I would have a great deal of creative sexual games to play with a wife someday. Unlikely that we would ever get bored with it all, with my backlog of sensual info.

Besides my studies at the college were going spectacularly well. My modest intellectual talents, multiplied by a dedicated study regime was making its mark in my classes. I was always ahead in my readings and homework submissions. And ready to answer any question in class, too. It got so bad that I on purpose would answer slightly wrong at times to relieve my fellow classmates of their slight jealousies of me seeming always to be right. They felt that it put dire pressures on them to stay up with me.

Also, a number of the girls began to hint that they would like to more than study with me. But, at that time I only acted very friendly with them and portrayed myself as not getting the intentions of their hints. Every once in a while, I got a sidewise glance from them, like they knew that I was trying to stall them. But, none of them ever directly called me on it.

On a Saturday night, very late, I was again wandering about the hallways in boredom from not being able to sleep. Again, I felt the presence and the glowing light shining forward past me and when I judged that she was right up to me, I shunted sidewise to be in her way. It worked and she stopped right behind me with a, “You know that that could be very dangerous for you! You don’t know who I am, nor what my powers might do to you if I contact you?”

“Do you intend to relieve me of some of those holes in my understanding of you?”

“Possibly in time. Wait a couple of minutes while I reduce my light and heat and we can at least disagree or subvert each other’s data search on each other face to face.”

“And here I thought that you might have no sense of humor.”

“Oh, I have a fully developed personality. I just have to be very careful of whom I reveal it to.”

When I was allowed to turn and face her, “And by the way, you have much of the look of your father, ………. And your mother, too.”

“You knew them?”

“Oh, Yes. Very well.”

“Can you tell me anything about them?”

“No, not for now. I am going to leave now for my own rooms, if I see you again, you may address me as Flamette, my adopted name.”

And with that she disappeared down the hallway in a rush and I didn’t see her for some time after that.

When I got back to my rooms to try to salvage some sleep for the night, Cynthia was standing by the bed and looked at me strangely. “You know that you aren’t even supposed to know that she exists, don’t you? Your uncle will be livid if he finds out about it.”

“Well, what am I supposed to do now, unlearn what I have just experienced?”

“Not likely. But perhaps something else that is stunning can replace any growing curiosity of yours about her.” And with that she shed her nightgown and gathered me into her arms to move to inside of the bed.

As I responded to her unexpected initiative, I noticed the young body, perhaps just approaching eighteen with its look, but behind the eyes there seemed to be many years of experience behind them.

But her body and sudden affectionate nature took over then. When we progressed to having me up her vagina, I couldn’t tell if she was a virgin, or just had been unused for some time. It didn’t matter to me, and she didn’t relieve me of my concern about it. She just accepted me up into her and after the requisite fifteen minutes of animated activity inside of her, I came and she did, too. There were no sensual aftershocks, she just gathered me into her arms, with her body still nude and we moved off into the ‘neverland’ of sleep for the rest of the night.

Over the next two years, things went along smoothly, with me getting very fine grades and regular fluffing up with Mindy and Cynthia each once a week and any other time the inspiration hit me. I only got occasional glimpses of the Wraith though, and always late at night when no one else was about.

During the second semester of my Junior year, I took an elective on Architectural Engineering. It was to diversify my engineering backgrounds, because no educational major guaranteed what specialty a person would end up in in their working life. And, I was still curious, despite warnings to the contrary, over the monstrous house that I lived in and this would give me an excuse to study further in depth.

Before I signed up for the class, I met with Uncle Fitzgerald to run it by him, since I would need his permission to look into the mansion much deeper that I had been allowed to before. He said that he would take it under consideration and quickly appraise me of his decision. It came after two days, of evidently inquiring of the other residents of the home as to their feelings on it. He must have gotten overwhelming acceptance, because he seemed very jovial in his acceding meeting with me.

So, I signed up for the class and let him know to spread it around that the next weekend, I would be wandering around the house nosing into permitted places, including private spaces with the occupant’s permission, and taking pictures and measurements. So, he announced it at the dinner table that night, and posted several notices around the house to remind the residents and staff of my plans.

Then to start my study of this hardened edifice, I went to the county planning office to get the latest registered plans on it. I found that they had no such documents, but there was a notation on a register for eighteen-fifteen that plans had been supplied and filed for it in its original configuration in that year. They had evidently been lost over the years, and surprisingly no one in the office seemed a bit concerned about that.

So, I moved on to the local tax office in County Court House and checked out its tax history. It showed not one penny of taxes as ever being paid on it. It did include the notation: SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES; but with no further explanation, and the staff were friendly but totally unhelpful.

So, I moved on to the local record of the censuses in the county library. In checking out the 1800 census, there was no mention of anyone at the mansion’s address. Nor any record for 1810, either. But for 1820, there was a record and it seemed to include the whole cast of people’s names from the current occupation, except for Cynthia. The same notation was made for 1830, but this time Cynthia was included as a young child and a notation was made of an unknown person in residence, also.

All of the records, in what I could find recorded agreed with these official summations. What a mystery this all was.

So, I then began my photo tour and the photos were amazingly clear in the house and with all pointed towards its walls, but any that deflected at all from those orientations came out fuzzy and unwatchable. And when I crossed out over the street to take long-range pictures of the mansion and grounds, nothing came up on the photos at all, despite my easily seeing it with my eyes.

When a stranger walked by, I stopped him and asked what he knew about the mansion across the street, and he just looked blankly at me and remarked, “What mansion?” And walked away unconcerned. I was very amazed by this, because I could see it rather clearly.

But I gathered myself up to do my survey of the interior, with my pictures of it already taken care of. I had been advised by Uncle to not bother anyone without their permissions, nor try any locked doors. So, I obeyed those commands, but several of the residents allowed me access anyway. Including Cynthia.

When I was allowed to enter her bedroom and sitting room, it had the flavor of a much older time, perhaps the Victorian Age. And she was dressed in a frock appropriate to it. She smiled at me, like she had been expecting me, and with a flourish the frock came off and she appeared in many decades older under-garments. I had to admit that she looked mighty fine in them, too.

Then she with a smile on her face moved up to me and gathered me into her affectionate arms. I immediately fell into her charming influence and was soon found kneeling before her with my face up to her now exposed pussy. She moaned as I did my manly duties to her femininity, and soon her body’s pleasure at it was obviously tasted and seen.

She then rose me up and turned the tables by being busy at my male member with her breasts open for my view. It didn’t take long and I found myself up her pussy with her bent over a chair. It didn’t take long then either and we were both climaxed and she again gathered me into her arms and kissed me up, well and good.

She bent back and looked me in the eyes with, “Have you seen all that you need in my boudoir, now good sir?” All said with a mischievous smile.

My response was a genuine hug back to her and my taking of my leave.

When I got to Mindy’s room, I noticed that it was rather small, but with a giant bed. I could guess the main occupation of that room, and to emphasize it, she gave me a fine blow job, without a cumming, since she could taste Cynthia on me. No need for her to explain how that was possible.

When I had worked my way up to the fourth floor, it seemed to me to be bigger on the inside than the outside dimensions would indicate that it should be. And it seemed to resist the tape measuring of it.

As I walked the hallway with the doors to the staff’s bedrooms, from the quiet reading room to the good-sized exercise room, I at one place felt a particularly strong intensity of the force that seemed to fill this house and the people in it.

So, I moved up to the place that it seemed to be strongest on the wall and reached out to touch it. But my hand went through the space like there was nothing there. I could plainly see the apparent missing panel clearly in my sight and it matched all the others on this corridor. However, it acted like a holograph, all sight and no substance.

Thus mystified, I moved up and leaned on the unsubstantial panel and fell through to be found standing at the base of a very old stone stairway leading up to the attic, I presumed. Since I had come this far, I stepped up the staircase and found myself at an unlocked door. It was partially open, too. A voice from within advised me that since I had come that far, I might as well go the whole way and enter.

When I cleared the door, there was the Wraith sitting on the side of her bed. She had evidently tuned down her energy charges and so appeared much like any other gorgeous white-haired and naked woman at ease in her own space.

As I scanned the panorama of the room, I found that it included the whole attic space in one open area. It was beautifully furnished and appointed and the Wraith looked perfectly at home in it.

Before I could address her, she requested that I address her as Mona, her Earthen adopted name. I flinched at that, because that was the name of my mother’s long-gone mother, my grandmother.

With that revelation, I lost all means of communication. I was just a fleshly statue standing in the middle of a fine lady’s private haven.

Sensing my situation, she reached out and motioned for me to come and sit beside her. I did so, but would have done so anyway, her personal charm and power was so strong.

As I sat beside her, her face took on a very warm aspect and she took my hand into hers to calm me down. Then she noticed the pages folded in my pocket and with my acquiescence she took them up and read them through astoundingly quickly, ”You have been a busy boy, haven’t you? Much like your father before you.”

“You knew my father?”

“Of course, I have young man. Just like a long stream of them over the years. Each about ten years in residence. And don’t worry about your figuring this out and finding me, it was intended all the time. Just not too quickly for you to learn to accept it for what it is.”

“I am still in the process of that.”

“Yes, I know. But, remember how you didn’t freak out when you first encountered me in the hallway. And how you maneuvered me to stop before you the second time, trusting that I wouldn’t simply burn my way past you. I could have, you know. But that was unlikely as you are my grandson.”

“What did you say, what have I missed here?”

“Margaret, your mother, is my daughter and Cynthia’s unidentical twin sister. One of their fathers was your Uncle and the other is a very private secret of mine.”

I sat there beside her, further stunned by all of these revelations. During that lull in the conversation, she pulled me up to her to be comforted and an overwhelming sensual desire began to rise up in me. She saw it in my face that was now turned to her in attention to her heaving breasts and in the aspect of my body that was straining to connect with her sexually.

“It is alright young man, incest has no validity among my people, since we developed on a very different path than you humans. We have sexual connections with our favorites and breed with the best suited without any of the personal travail of your beliefs. And no unwelcome results have come from it, as you can see in me. So, undress and join me on this bed, it is part of your birthright and destiny.”

So, I quickly with her aid unburdened myself of my clothing and joined her up on her bed. She was unreal in her zeal to have me and to stir me up to the main focus of this occasion, my fucking her. So, with me anchored to her nipple and some kind of force coming from it to my head, she helped me up to find my way up her womanly port to make some kind of psychic battery of me and accept the force-field charge that was to be the instigation of my future.

I felt the charge take hold and then we moved on to a much more profound sensual interchange. It started with her reversal of my body and our mouths taking charge of the other’s privates. I had tasted women before and loved their cum, but this was incredible. I went almost mad with the smell and taste of her, evidently her form’s purpose of the male. I felt a slight release up into her mouth and could sense her smile at that.

Then we realigned ourselves to what is called the mish position and with my lips anchored now to the other tit, she maneuvered me to be up her birth channel again and with her bodily movements and light-hearted manner caused me to empty up in her again, to her and my total pleasure. I was so taken with her, that I didn’t want to take a bath ever again and enjoy the feeling of her on my skin forever.

But she moved me to be beside her in her comforting grasp to finish her personal history to me.

”You know that I am not of this orb. When I came here on a mission of discovery, my vehicle was ruined and so I wandered the Earth looking for a home. This is what gave the legend of the Wraith its invention. By the way, I haven’t eaten anyone’s brains yet……….. (And she left that off with a very pregnant pause.) In my searching I found only one place on the whole planet that I could rest comfortably at, here. And an Earthly man that accepted me as I was. This was in 1805 and we took up together and with my help for him to become affluent, he built this giant home for us and a select few.

We had two daughters, your mother and Cynthia. Evidently, I can have no sons with Earthers. But you should know that you have just planted the next female in my line just now. And she will be born in just nine months. Soon enough to be past the toddler years when things will come to a head with you and Cynthia with your graduation with your PHD in engineering from college.

We strongly suspect how that will turn out. That you and she will leave us for a number of years, have a son away from the influence of this home to continue the long line of male educational visitors to our realm. And then you will very probably return to us to live indefinitely together, just like the rest of us.

And yes, you and Cynthia do have your choices on how this is to work out, but your Uncle and I have many years of experience to draw upon and we are quite sure of how it would work out. If you and Cynthia decide to stay away, you two will live very healthy lives up to about a hundred years, and then pass away. This could happen with your mother and father, too. But we expect them to come back just after you graduate to spend their time here, just like you and Cynthia are expected to do.

One more thing, you are allowed to spend a sensual and comforting night with me on the six-month and one-year anniversaries of this night. The panel on the wall will only open on those occasions to you.

Now roll over and please me through the night, with a growing life already in residence in me from you.”

“I will love to share that with you, my loving nana. But first I have a few questions to fill in the blanks on some of what you have just told me, if I am permitted.”

“Always the polite one, I love that about you, along with your sensual inclinations. Okay, you may ask a few, but my hunger for you is strong and insistent now.”

“With Mom and Dad eventually coming back to the mansion, along with Cynthia and I and our brood, how will the mansion that seems filled to its capacity manage to accommodate all of us?”

“The house is expandable. The walls are incredibly strong and so the house can spread out to completely fill the grounds and move up to prodigious heights. You will be the architect of that, by the way.”

“So, I assume that I will have my own engineering concern centered at the mansion after Cynthia and I spend some time away from it in the outer world.”

“Yes, and it will become world famous for its excellence with no one but us realizing it is the same and only person through the years. You will be using the internet to sell your plans and engage your clients.

”I see! What about Mindy? Will she get children, too? I sense a desire for that in her time with me.”

“Yes, she will. And in order for it to have a chance to be a male, you will be taking her on a trip for three months in the spring to study the architecture of sizeable buildings around the world. She will travel with you as your executive aid and will be very helpful in arranging accommodations and such. But, with you two away from the direct influence of me and the mansion, after a month you will be able to generate a male in her. It will make her very happy, also. But she will remain in her current duties which for several reasons are truly important to the well-being of the family and the mansion.”

“Please, my young lover, no more questions now. My body is crying out for you, so please get to business right now!”

“Yes, my Queen.”

“Glad that you have realized that. Now I want you up my ass for now, since you have already planted into my womb.”

With her corona turned down to simmer, I moved up to her body to worship her rear bottom regions. She in a cooperative spirit got on to her knees and with her hips raised and her head turned to its side on the bed surface to be able to watch me at sensual work, she gradually opened up the space between her upper thighs and I got busy waking that precious area up.

As I nosed up to her rear cheeks, I could hear her breathing quicken and her voice turn to moans and sighs from the sensations I was generating. And when my tongue began to stimulate her rosette with circular licks around it, she became soon, very agitated wanting me up inside of her.

Since she ate very little, because of drawing her power from other sources, her anus and rectum tasted just fine to me even without her having precleaned it. And after I had activated her sensual desires there sufficiently, she begged me to enter her with my male member.

Despite her begging me to just plow right up and in, I took my time gently working myself up inside of her dark regions. And she responded to this very eagerly. As I was busy pulsing in her, she advised me that she was plumbed differently than earthly women and could generate a child up there, too. But it would be a dark-powered queen and so she would block that eventuality. But it generated considerable lusty fever in me on top of the other sensations. So, with us both whipped up in a sexual frenzy, I lifted my balls and powerfully pumped my sperm up her rear to in my imagination produce another lady there. She read my feelings and heightened them, so that both of us exploded in a fury of sexual climax.

Afterwards, she mentioned that we might have to see each other more often than twice a year.

When my senior year of study came to the spring, I asked my college advisor if I could finish out with a trip to study the great buildings of Europe and around the world. Since all of my regular classes were finished and I was moving on to eventually have a MASTERS and PHD, they generously accepted it as part of my continuing curriculum.

So, the plans were made and Mindy travelled with me as had been mentioned by Mona, my grandmother lover. Mindy was thrilled and since we would be away from the mansion for three months, it would be possible to plant a male offspring into her successfully.

Mindy made the itinerary plans and got the advance permissions with some quiet time for the both of us as we examined some of the most famous and enduring buildings in the world.

Both of the state museums in Paris and St. Petersburg allowed us private viewing time with their examples of the Madonna paintings. I am not religious, nor is Mindy, but even so a person would have to be almost dead to not be moved by these pictures. Especially with the eventuality that the baby boy would suffer in his young adulthood.

Our emotions got so high with each viewing, that we were moved to make love right on the spots with her leaned up to the wall while viewing the pictures and me staring over her shoulder as I unloaded my reproductive gift to her for her to have a son, also.

This was repeated many times on the trip and by the time that we got back home to the mansion, she was already knowingly pregnant with a son from me, her first of several.

NOTE: I eventually found out that the reference to a queen was true. She ruled our little kingdom lightly like a queen bee, and the girls that I engendered in her over the years became queens of their own hives as time moved on.

As time moved on, I graduated with honors and eventually a PHD in multiple versions of engineering. Cynthia and I moved away from the mansion. Far away and over ten years I worked for a variety of engineering firms in various fields of endeavor.

Then with Cynthia and I still relatively young and our children in tow, including two boys, we moved back to the mansion and I designed a suite of rooms just for us. It was built in short order, with a professional office inside.

I started my practice as an Engineering LLC. The customers thought that I was part of a staff of engineers, but all of the work was done by me over the years and I was very successful over the internet doing my business. And, of course, part of my efforts were to design the additions to the mansion that eventually covered the whole block and started to move up into the sky.

All along, Cynthia was involved in a private project, that I never learned of, but she genuinely loved me and I was not of a mind to complain at all. Our children grew to the normal ages of maturity for our environment, the aspect of sixteen to eighteen for the females and about thirty-five for the males. And the boys found considerable enjoyment in their learning to be skilled building craftsmen, later as construction overseers for our many new hive’s buildings, remodels and maintenance. And fathers too, of course.

Interestingly, both Cynthia and Margaret (my mother) returned to their young woman forms with their return to permanent habitation in the mansion under the influence of Mona. I and my father had stalled at the apparent ages of thirty-five because of our more intimate relationship with Mona.

Among the duties assumed by the returnees to the mansion were: my mother guiding the landscaping at our home mansion and at the others; my father acting as the controller of all the funds of the mansion and its residents and with Uncle Fitzgerald continuing with his masterful manipulations of the stock and commodities markets.

For many years, Mona wanted my children, all girls. And they when mature moved on to hold their own hives, you know too many queens in one hive… But they were well prepared for this by Mona , My mother and Cynthia. And all of the hives had a very malleable but strong permanent mutual attraction with each other. Often trading sexual partners between them. Mona exercised a very kindly oversight of the whole arrangement.

I with very rare exceptions was satisfied only with my relationships with Cynthia, Mandy and Mona. We had many children among us.

And I kept busy and lived on indefinitely.

I was pleased to see that the combined efforts of the many hives tended to sponsor advancement of the three P’s among the human family: Peace…. Prosperity… and Progress. All without ever being known of among the general population.