The Voices in my Head part 5

Teenagers doing what teenagers do

The Voices in my Head 5

I woke, slightly disoriented, not quite knowing where I was. Sandi’s warm body, nestled against me brought back yesterday in a rush. Except it was Becky, not Sandi.

“We were both up to pee about four o’clock,” she said, “and decided to switch places.”

I hugged and kissed her, groping her breasts for a moment, then had to get up for my own bathroom needs. Breakfast was, thanks to Martha’s foresight, ham, eggs, and toast, with coffee.

We had to rush out, leaving the dishes to soak in the sink, suddenly realizing we only had the clothes we’d worn yesterday. Peter had it the easiest as he was doing dirt work and nobody would care if he was dirty and smelly. Sandi and Becky just wanted clean clothes, I would need to change for work. Peter took off in his truck. I ran the girls home and just barely made it to work on time.

After work, I was loading my clothes into the trunk along with a number of boxes my parents had left stacked by the front door with a note claiming I’d find the contents necessary. Sandi pulled up in a white, vintage mustang, convertible. I’m not a big car guy, but the mustang was one of those iconic cars that everybody knows. She jumped out and bounced up to me with a big smile and shining eyes.

“Daddy said I needed a car, living out here,” she bubbled, “he gave me this. He’s had it in the garage forever, tinkering on weekends and driving it a little every month or so.”

“Wow,” was all I could say.

That car had to be over forty years old, but looked like it had just come off the showroom floor. A few minutes later, Peter showed up, his truck piled high with boxes, followed by Becky in an odd little pickup that looked like a van, converted to a pickup and shrunk to half size and sounded like a sewing machine, also piled high. We all admired Sandi’s mustang then turned to look at Becky’s ‘truck’.

“It’s Japanese,” she said, “Mom worked a deal with a guy. All I know is, it runs, and gets about forty miles to the gallon.

We were soon on our way to our house. When we got there the Boardman kids, I had checked the name on the rental agreement, were swarming around the house pulling weeds and raking up leaves. They already had a sizable pile about fifty feet to one side of the shed, opposite the big propane tank. Two big steel barrels sat a little closer to the house. Jenny, who seemed to be in charge, walk up to us.

“Mama says the gas man will be out tomorrow or the next day to top off the propane,” She said, “those drums are your burn barrel and can barrel.”

She explained that paper and burnable waste went into the burn barrel, and we should burn it when it was full or looked like rain. Cans were to be pealed and flattened, except Aluminum which should be kept separate for recycling. Kitchen waste would go into a compost heap, a mound next to the shed. Peter was nodding, apparently familiar with the way people did things on a farm.

Jenny marshaled her forces and everything was unloaded and carried into the house in no time at all. My stuff to the master bed room, Peters to the largest of the other three, and the girls stuff to the two smaller bedrooms. Jenny noted to rwo made beds and the rumpled beds in the master bedroom and larger bedroom, giving me a knowing and appraising look. The kids went back to the yard work and we started to unpack our stuff. Jenny looked in on me and asked me to follow her.

She led me out to the propane tank, pointing out the shut off valve and showing me how to read the gauge, noting that a full tank could last three or four months, but it was best to get it filled monthly to avoid big gas bills and that I should be ready to pay up to two hundred dollars when the gas man came. She led me around behind the shed, through some tall weeds to an old but sturdy picnic table. She leaned against the end of the table.

“So, who’s banging who?” She asked.

“Uh, what do you mean?” I replied, flustered by her directness.

“I’m not blind,” she said, “you guys slept here last night, and only rwo beds got used.”

“Yeah,” I admitted, “we kind of slept together last night.”

“So, you going steady with one of those girls?”she pressed.

“I guess not,” I said, “We’re kind of open minded about that.”

She pulled off the t-shit she wore, exposing breasts a little smaller than Sandi’s, nicely proportioned on her slender body. She grabbed my hands, pulling them to her breasts with surprising strength. My hands instinctively began to gently knead them. She sighed softly.

“I haven’t had any since Franky went sweet on some girl just before school let out,” she whispered, pressing her breasts into my hands.

She reached down and started rubbing my prick through my pants. I was painfully hard, and found that I really needed to fuck someone, anyone, right now.

“You got a big one?” she said.

“I don’t think this a good idea, Jenny,” I said weakly.

“Nobody is going to know,” she said, opening my pants, “Do me now, I need it so bad.”

She had my prick out, stroking it slowly.

“You’re bigger than Franky,” she purred, squeezing my prick.

With a groan, I stepped up and kissed her, pressing my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue danced around mine. She did a funny little wiggle and hop, then jumped up to sit on the end of the table. She pulled my prick toward her and I felt it begin to enter her pussy, sopping wet with her juices. I glanced down, she had somehow, kicked off one shoe and pulled her leg out of her pants. She was holding the crotch of her panties to one side as she guided me into her moist folds. I gave in, grabbing her ass and driving my prick into her. She gasped and purred, pulling me close rocking her hips to let me plumb her depths. I was hitting bottom, my prick pressing against her cervix. I drew back and rammed into her again. Every time I hit her cervix, she would let out a squeak. She was tight, even tighter than Jill had been the first time. Her pussy felt scalding hot as I pounded her. She moaned and groaned between squeaks, gasping for breath. I didn’t think about being gentle, her bold advances had triggered me somehow, all I could think about was driving my prick into her as hard and deep as I could. She stiffened, squealing through clenched teeth as she came. I could feel her juices flooding around my prick as I made about three more hard pounding strokes and emptied my balls into her clenching pussy. She still held me as deep as she could, her eyes unfocused and glassy, panting for breathe. I slowly pulled back until my prick fell out on her. I wiped myself off with my hand then wiped my hand on some dry grassy weeds. I stepped back, stuffing my prick back into my pants, watching her. Her eyes focused, she grinned at me.

“That was a good one,” she said, “you’re a lot better than Franky.”

She pulled a bandanna out of her pants hip pocket, folding it into a narrow pad and held it over her pussy as she worked her panties up to hold it in place. She got her pants up and was putting on her shoe. I silently handed her the t-shirt. I was feeling a little guilty and a little scared. Her dad could have snapped me like a twig.

“I think you should keep a little distance,” I said, “this is wrong .”

“Don’t be silly,” she said, “what daddy doesn’t know wont hurt him.”

“What I know might hurt you,” I said, “I might not be as gentle next time, if there is a next time.”

“You didn’t hurt me at all,” She said, “or not much, and it was a good kind of hurt.”

What if I’d bent you over that table and fucked your ass,” I said, being deliberately crude, “and left you a bloody mess with a good chance of a serious infection?”

She looked a little startled, looking me up and down, suddenly uncertain.

“You’d do that to me?” she asked in a small voice.

“You come on to me like that out of the blue,” I said, “and there is no telling what will happen. I would be worse if you try it with Peter.”

I saw a bit of fear in her eyes, quickly covered by bavado.

“I’m a big girl,” she said, “your just trying to scare me.”

“You’re a kid,” I said, “going to be a sophomore next year, or maybe a junior.”

“I’ll be a junior.” she said, softly.

“I think its time for you to take your brothers and sisters home.” I said, turning and walking away.

Inside I pulled a soda out of the fridge and sank into a kitchen chair, trying to figure the possible outcome of her little stunt. I didn’t want to get us kicked out of the house, worst case, I’d have to take control of Cal and Martha, maybe the kids too. So our new home was safe for the moment, unless Cal showed up while I was away. Sandi joined me, looking concerned.

“Whats wrong?” she asked, “ The little slut wasn’t any good?”

“Huh?” I responded, “She was good enough, not as good as you or Becky, but she’s young, and that has me worried.”

“She hasn’t taken her eyes off of you since the night you signed the rental papers,” said Sandi, Everyone but you knew she was after you.”

I looked up, surprised, “everyone?”

The rest of the kids were giggling and looking toward the shed.” she said, “They knew.”

I hung my head in my hands, what had I done? I didn’t want to control a whole family to hide what I’d done, and if I had to do that, it might be obvious to someone that things weren’t right.

“On the bright side, you apparently took her down a notch or two.” Sandi added.

“Farmer’s daughter jokes aside,” I said, “it wasn’t my idea.”

“I know,” said Sandi, “she was after you from the moment she saw you. She blindsided you and before you knew it you were fucking her like an animal in heat.”

“God,” I said, “don’t remind me.”

After dinner we were relaxing on the front porch when Mrs’ Boardman buzzed into the yard on one of the four wheeler scooters.

She gathered up Peter, Becky and Sandi by eye.

“You three scat,” she said, “i need to have a talk with John, here. He can tell you later, if he wants.”

They filed silently inside, closing the door firmly behind them.

“Mrs. Boardman,” I began.

“Call me Martha, boy,” she said, “and before things get all awkward, I’m not mad at you. That silly daughter of mine is the only one I’m mad at and not that mad.”

I must have looked confused, because I was confused. This wasn’t going like any scenario I had envisioned.

“Jenny is a strong willed girl,” Martha went on, “and when she gets the bit in her teeth, she’s even worse. I figure she flashed those titties at you and wiggled her ass and you, being a healthy young man, did what young men have been ding since the year one.”

I nodded, still wondering where this was going.

“She was screwing her brother, Frank, till he cut her off over some gal he met at school. Folk don’t usually talk about such things, but it happens, more often than most realize.”

I nodded again, realizing that Franky was her younger brother.

“Now, it wont do no good to tell her to stay away,” Martha said, “she’d just sneak out and probably get in even more trouble.”

I nodded again, beginning to feel like a live bobble head doll.

“Jenny’s a good girl, most ways, a hard worker and when she’s not thinking with her crotch, pretty level headed.” Martha continued, “but I worry for her, she’s not as worldly as she thinks she is, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“I think I understand,” I said.

“What you do,” she went on, “is, send me one of those text notes on my cell phone,” she slipped me a card with the number, “when she shows up, so I know where she is and wont worry. You kids be good to her and take care of her when she’s here.”

“But you know what . . .” I began.

“I know what will be happening,” she cut me off, “I’ve yet to see the high side of forty, and I remember when I was a girl. Cal had me more ways and more places than you could think of before we were married. Speaking of Cal, don’t you worry about him, he’s smart enough to listen to me.”

“Martha,” I said, “we’ll do our best with Jenny and try to slow her down as much as we can. How old is she anyway?”

“She’ll be sixteen next month,” Martha answered, “sixteen going on twenty.”

I winced. The law would call what we’d done statutory rape.

“Don’t worry about her age,” she said, “just keep things out of the public eye. I best be getting’, don’t want to be here when she shows up”

I walked her down to her scooter.

“Martha,” I said, “you’re one hell of a mother.”

“Ain’t hard,” she said, “just gotta love ’em, no matter what foolishness they get up to.”

She buzzed off into the evening. Back inside, the others pounced on me, demanding to know what had happened. I recounted the conversation, letting them know that we would often have a trainee in the house. They made a collective sigh of relief. I hadn’t realized how worried they were. About an hour later, there was a soft tapping at the back door. I let Jenny in, accepting a quick kiss while the others held a quick whispered conversation. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw everyone around the kitchen table. I took a moment to text Martha, ‘Jenny’s here’.

“I just had a chat with your mother.” I told her.

She looked at us in near panic, worried, I supposed, that we would send her away.

“School’s in session,” said Becky, “we’re going to educate you.”

Becky took Jenny’s hand leading her up the stairs. Sandi pulled me along and Peter brought up the rear. In the master bedroom, Becky started pealing Jenny out of her clothes, while Sandi and Peter undressed, I followed suit, wondering what Becky had planned. Jenny looked nervous and embarrassed, obviously unprepared for a group scene. We all sat in a circle on the big bed.

“Jenny, some of this you know, some you may not.” said Becky, “Girls have two primary erogenous zones, places on our bodies that feel good when touched, either by ourselves or another person.”

Becky started to stroke her pussy, sliding a finger between her folds, and fingering herself. Sandi stroked her own in a similar manner, my prick jumped to attention, Watching Sandi finger herself was surprisingly arousing for me. Jenny, hesitantly followed suit.

“It feels a little different, usually better, when someone else does it.”

Becky paired me with Jenny and Peter with Sandy. Kneeling behind our partners, I followed Peter’s actions, reaching around and fingering Jenny’s pussy while he fingered Sandi’s.

Becky brought her hands to her breasts, squeezing gently, and pinching her nipples lightly. Sandi started playing with her own breasts and Jenny followed along. At a nod from Becky, we started fondling the girl’s breasts. Jenny was obviously getting turned on, humming and softly moaning.

“Secondary erogenous zones usually only feel good when someone else touches them.” Becky went on.

Again following Peter’s lead, we kissed the girls ears and necks, and running our hands over their bodies with a feather light touch. Jenny leaned back into me, enjoying what I was doing to her.

“Guy, on the other hand only have one primary erogenous zone, their dicks. We move to sit beside the girls again, slowly stoking our pricks. Jenny’s eyes were open wide, staring at peters massive prick. After a moment Sandi pulled Peter’s hand from his prick, he took her hand and guided it to his prick. Jenny and I followed along.

For the next hour or so, Becky led an exploration of our bodies, with Peter and Sandi as a living flip chart, illustrating each point, an I doing hands on demonstrations. Jenny was so aroused she kept trying to push ahead to a climax. Becky held her in check with an iron will. Actual sex was limited to enough to demonstrate, but not enough to reach an orgasm. When we finally took a break, Jenny disappeared into the bathroom where we heard her masturbating violently and noisily. We four all grinned at each other. We were all aroused, but were managing to hold back. Becky briefed me on her plan to teach Jenny as much as we could about the pleasures of sex, along with potential problems that might occur.

When Jenny rejoined us, she was more composed, but flushed and still highly aroused. One notable exercise involved tying Jenny, spread eagle, to the bed. We didn’t touch her, but discussed the concepts of control or lack thereof. We blind folded her and continued the discussion. When that ended, Jenny was considerably subdued. A large part of the discussion revolved around what could happen id such play went too far. Jenny kept glancing at me with all the fascination of a mouse watching a snake approach, probably considering the little scare talk I’d given her that afternoon.

Becky announced that we would show jenny some things she was not to do. First was anal sex. Becky handed me the lube lube, saying just a couple of strokes. I lubed her ass and my prick and carefully pressed into her ass, taking a couple slow strokes and carefully pulling out. Jenny’s eyes were like saucers. Next Peter lay on his back, Becky mounted him and, with more lube, I reentered Becky’s ass. We took a couple of stokes and I lost it, emptying my balls into her ass. Jenny and Sandi were both staring wide eyed, while they fingered themselves. Becky had me stay in her ass while she quickly caused Peter to cum as well. She announced a clean up break and ran to the bathroom. Sandi produced wet wash clothes and towels for Peter and I.

When beck returned Jenny stared at her in worshipful awe. She leaned over and whispered at Sandi for a moment, Sandi replied, ‘not yet’, but looked like she was determined to change that.

“What does that feel like?” asked Jenny, “Does it feel good?”

“Let’s find out.” said Becky, reaching into a box she’d brought in earlier

She pulled out a slender vibrator, directing the two girls to get on there hands and knees, facing away from her. She made a point of having Jenny compare it to our pricks. With a minimal amount of lube she slowly worked it into Jenny’s ass. At the first hint of pain she slowly withdrew it.

“I don’t think you’re ready yet,” Said Becky, “maybe in a year or two.”

With considerably more lube she pressed it into Sandi’s ass. Sandi purred with pleasure while Becky worked the vibrator around in her ass. I hadn’t missed the difference in the way she’d lubed the two girls, making Jenny’s experience a little painful without actually hurting her, reinforcing what I’d told her in the afternoon.

“Wont be much longer for you.” Becky said, winking at me.

Sandi looked pleased and excited, Jenny was crestfallen. We went downstairs for a snack, still naked. Jenny was still nervous about being naked in a group. It was getting late so I sent another text to Martha, ‘overnight?’ she responded quickly with ‘OK, chores at 6’. I told Jenny she could stay the night, but had to be home for chores by six. She thought that was a great idea. A little later we headed back upstairs.

Becky pulled me aside at the top of the stairs.

“Go easy on her,” she said, quietly, “You set the pace and hold her to it.”

I nodded, and led Jenny to my room. Becky took Peter and Sandi to his room. Jenny was excited, but still nervous. She had always been the one to start things, controlling her escapades. I gently pulled her into my arms, kissing her. Her smoldering passion, stoked by hours of demonstrations and gentle foreplay erupted into a raging inferno. She sucked on my tongue, and grasped my prick, pulling me to her.

I pulled back, telling her we had all night. She slowed down, but it was obvious she wanted to be fucked right now, hard and fast. I kissed her again, softly laying her gently on the bed. She automatically spread her legs, with her knees up. I knelt between her spread legs, leaning down to hold her arms over her head and kiss her while she tried to capture my prick in her pussy. I moved down to her neck and on to her breasts, kissing licking and sucking her nipples as I ran my hands down her body with a feather light touch. She writhed under me, begging me to fuck her. I trailed kissed down her flat belly and began to lap at her pussy. I probed as deep as my tongue would go, holding her tight little ass in my hands. I paused for a second and licked her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She held my head, jacking her hips into my face. I pulled back making her whine in frustration. She quickly learned that trying to force me only stopped her pleasure. I slipped one finger into her pussy, probing gently as I sucked her clit. She writhed and moaned, gasped and groaned, begging me not to stop. I nibbled gently on her clit. Her back arched as she let out a long high pitched moan. I rode with her still licking her clit as her body shuddered with her orgasm. I kept licking her pussy and clit, slowly finger fucking her. She came again, squealing and gasping then collapsed onto the bed, gasping for breath.

“Never felt like that, before,” she gasped

“Your turn now,” I said rolling onto my back beside her and pulling her on top.

She kissed me a couple of times between gasps, working her way down my neck to my nipples. I teased her nipples lightly as she moved down. My prick slid between her breasts and soon she was holding it, just looking as she slowly stoked me.

“Never done this,” she said, “What do I do?”

“Just take it in your mouth,” I said, “be careful with your teeth and suck it like a popsicle.”

I placed a hand lightly on her head, guiding her and indicating the pace. When she tried to speed up, I’d hold her head with both hands, slowing her down. She soon fell into the rhythm I wanted. I gently urged her to take me deeper into her mouth, stopping when she gagged a little.

“When I cum,” I said, “swallow it all, don’t spill any.”

She nodded as she continued to suck me, running her tongue around my prick as I had directed her. I felt my balls tighten and holding her head as deep as I dared, sot a load of cum into her mouth. She choked a little, swallowing desperately, thin white lines of my cum leaking from the corners of her mouth. She pulled off my prick, swallowing a couple of times. She lightly touched a line of cum.

“Wipe it up with your finger and eat it,” I directed, “it’s normal for some to get away.”

“Tastes funny,” she said, cleaning her face, “not bad, but different.”

“Most girls get to like it.” I told her.

I had her lick my prick until it was hard again. I asked searcher for a little performance and stamina boost that kicked in almost at once. I pulled her up to straddle my hips, holding her and moving her pussy along my prick for a moment then urged her up and settled her slowly over my prick, gasping as I slid into her wet pussy. She tried to start bouncing on me at once. I held her hips and, again, indicated the pace I wanted with firm but gentle pressure. When she’d settled in to rhythm I wanted , moved my hands to her breasts, playing with her nipples as she slowly rose and fell on my prick. Over sensitized from her earlier orgasms she quickly came, her pussy clenching on my prick as she threw her head back and screamed. She managed two more spasmodic strokes before she sat down on my prick, and shuddered her way through her orgasm. When she had recovered a little I gently rolled her off me, directing her to lick my prick again and taste herself. She hesitantly complied and suddenly became more eager, licking and sucking my prick clean.

I arranged her on her knees, pressing her shoulders down to the mattress. She wiggled her ass as I slid into her, feeling my prick bump up against her cervix. I began the same slow strokes, pausing for a moment every time I hit her cervix, while she continued to gasp and moan. I brushed a finger across her puckered little ass hole. She jumped a little, shuddering through another orgasm, not able to draw enough breath to scream. I kept pumping into her. The lube was still on the bed where Becky had dropped it. I grabbed it and liberally lubed her ass and one finger, slowly pressing it into he tight ass just past the first knuckle. She froze for a moment, waiting on the pain she expected. I didn’t move that finger for long moments as I slowly pumped into her at a slow, steady pace. As she relaxed I started to take gentle short strokes, no more than a quarter inch or so, in her ass with that finger. She soon shuddered under yet another orgasm.

I felt that I was getting close to another orgasm, myself, despite the help from searcher. I slowly pulled my finger out of her ass and pulled her body up, arching her back while I continued to fuck her. I reached around, grabbing her breasts, kneading them strongly and pinching her nipples gently, and picked up the pace, until my hips were slapping her ass. She let out a gasping grunt every time our bodies slapped together, the pitch rising with each stroke as she climbed to another orgasm. I felt my balls tighten again. I slid a hand down to finger her clit. We came at almost the same time I roared out my release while she screamed. We collapsed together onto the mattress, breathing heavily. I’d just managed to fall to one side of her.

She was barely aware of her surroundings as she gasped and tried to form words to say something. I heard a soft applause from the door. I looked up, seeing Peter Becky and Sandi standing in the door clapping their hands, all three grinning like maniacs.

“That was quite a performance,” said Becky, “what happened to ‘go easy’?”

“Right up to the last minute or so,” I answered, still gasping for breath, “I did.”

“We had to see what all the screaming was about.” said Peter, “She came so many times, I thought you might have someone helping you.”

A soft snore interrupted us, Jenny had fallen asleep. Becky whispered to Peter, he nodded, gently picked up Jenny, and carried her out of the room. Becky followed them while Sandi crawled onto the bed with me.

“You all in for the night?” she asked, stretching out beside me.

“Give a guy a chance to breathe.” I said, cuddling her.

I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew, Jenny was kissing me then running out the door to do her chores. The clock said five thirty. Sandi was cuddled up to me and it was still dark. I drifted back to sleep.