Kim blackmailed part 2

Possible doing her part of the deal to get home

As Kim lowered her head in shame Brock pulled down his pants revealing a 7.5 hard dick. Kim opens her mouth in shock. As she does that Brock forces his dick in her mouth, shocking her, giving her no other choice then to suck on it. As she does Tom quickly pull down his pants starting to masturbate his 5 inch dick. Kim can see that and can feel herself getting a bit wet between her legs. After some minutes Brock suddenly blows his load in Kim’s mouth and holding her head still on place forcing her to swallow.

In the meanwhile Bonnie had gotten home and sat now at her desk. She was thinking of posting the pictures she had of Kim but didn’t know yet. She found them and saw trough them. She for the first time in her life saw Kim naked not counting the few times she had taken a quick look at her in the locker room. She now saw how tiny but perfect her tits were and how big nipples she got. She also saw the naked pussy of Kim. Bonnie saw that it was just been shaven, but as she looked closer she saw something in there. It looked like a red thread coming from Kim’s pussy.
Bonnie started getting a bit wet now, and decided it was time to put away the photos. As she did that she found herself the big pink dildo she always had in her drawer. It was 5inshes and thick. Bonnie had taken a lot of dicks before and knew that this one was perfect for her. She stripped of her clothes and lay down on her bed. She took her left hand starting to masseur her big d-cup breast. Her other hand held he dildo and she started licking and sucking it, getting it nice and wet.
Bonnie closed her eyes imagining Kim naked again. She took her hand slowly down to her not so shaved pussy and started rubbing it. It didn’t take long before she was all wet, making stains on the sheets. She took the dildo and guided it down to the goal. As she pushed it in her love hole she couldn’t stop herself from giving loud moan. She pushed it in and out starting to get a heavier breath.
She rolled over on her stomach starting to hump the dildo. Then suddenly she screamed “KIMMM, YE FUCKK MEEE!” and started squirting down on the sheets. Bonnie had never had such a big orgasm before, but was luckily alone home as she passed put on the bed in her own juice and with the dildo still in her. She didn’t wake up before the next morning of the doorbell sound and her “babysitting” neighbor yelled to Bonnie to open the door before she locked herself in.

Back to the night before:
Brock: “Good Possible, you did a great job”
Kim: “ye? Well can I get that coat now?
Brock: “Ye of course if that is what you want” pointing a finger on Kim’s naked and wet cunt giving a huge smile. “Looks like you may not want to finish off yet hehe”
Kim’s face again gets red of humiliation, but answers loud and bitter: “you think?” Kim then grabs the jacket from Brock and said “drive me home now!”
Brock: “What about him?” pointing at Tom standing in the corner with his pants still down on his knees and his hard penis in his hand.
Kim: “ok then” She walks over to Tom and starts taking over the job. She grabs his dick and starts jacking him off.
Brock: “wasn’t it something else you were going to do whore?
Kim getting even redder before bending over, taking Tom’s dick in her mouth and starts sucking. Brock, in the meanwhile stairs at Kim’s wonderful big ass and decides to take his phone back up and snaps of another picture. Kim with the dick in the mouth tries to tell Brock that the deal was one picture and he didn’t get anymore. Brock responded with a big slap on her ass making Kim moan a bit. He started playing with her ass just as she made Tom orgasm. She stood fast up taking the jacket saying:
Kim: “NO TUCHING asshole”
Brock: “oh yeah? Well fuck you bitch” Brock started walking off.
Kim: “Wait now Brock, stop there” Kim suddenly realize that she can’t get home if she don’t make a deal.
Brock: “What Possible?” He answered really stressed
Kim: “Ok if you drive me home I promise you to be your insider, I can tell you whatever you want about the girls. Who shaves, who fucks who and who are easy”
Brock: “don’t you think I can find that out already? You better come up with something better girl”
Kim: “Ok what if I text you a picture of the girls in the showers?”
Brock: “hm, well what do you say Tom? Getting a souvenir from all the cheering girls?”
Tom: “Ye man, but let us just drive this girl home now”
Brock: “Ok, but Kim you are now mine. You do what I want, when I want is that understood?”
Kim: “Ye Brock” with an ironic tone.
Brock: “let’s go”

When they arrived at Kim’s house, Kim suddenly remember that she has to get inn without getting noticed. She jumps out of the car, but not before Brock hold her back “so your mine?” Kim with a funny face answers “no forget it loser” and ran to the backyard. Her jacket is now open and she feels the wind take on her pussy and the cold makes her nipples stand. As she gets to the tree in the backyard she realizes she is completely soaked from the car trip and the running nude to her tree. She then climbs the tree up to her window and as she got to the top she sees Brock down yelling to her that he needs his jacket back with a huge smile on his face. He can see all that he wants as the jacket just cover the sides. He sees how wet she is and before he gets his jacket thrown down at him, he clearly see some kind of red thread coming from her juicy pussy
Brock than takes the jacket, and runs over to Tom hiding behind a bush before he forgets it all.
Brock: “did you get it?”
Tom: “of course, it is all on the phone man” showing of the phone with a video of him demanding his jacket and she taking it off and climbs naked in the window.
Brock and Tom then walks back to the car talking about how hot Kim was and realizing how lucky they were.
As they come to the car Brock then opens door and gets a huge smile on his face again telling Tom “seems like she wasn’t so uncomfortable after all” pointing at the seat where Kim sat, there where now a small pond of juice from Kim’s shaved pussy.

Continues follow? Do you want me to make more? I can still say more about Wade and his camera, or the Twins camera, or Bonnies pictures and the clothes she took, and tell what the red in her pussy was  tell me or I will stop now