Does one God-Awful Tragedy in life have to end the loving?


I am home from another fine day at work. Everyone is being so kind to me. They all feel some of the heartache that I suffer with over Denise’s absence from my life. After all, they knew both of us, before we knew each other and she had always been very popular with them. And they got such a kick out of us finding each other at the company picnic and the slow but sure growth of our relationship and love, right before their eyes.

The company had to borrow employees from neighboring stores to man it while the wedding went on. No one in our store wanted to miss it. And there were many tears as I took her hand and kissed her after we had pledged our live together. Some of the guys got choked up, too. Then the enthusiastic throwing of the rice ritual as they all wished us all of the happiness in the world as we entered the limousine to start our real life together.

The excitement was similar with the birth of our two children, a girl first and then a boy. Both pregnancies were difficult, but Denise toughed it out and we got two wonderful children out of it. She wanted more, but I wanted her for the rest of our life, not to have to raise children without her. She bowed to my will for that one. And we enjoyed the raising of them together.

I just heard over the last two days, that they are each doing fine. Bradley has gotten his loan and so he will be able to expand his fabrication shop to make it more economical and profitable. And Marla reported that she and Sunny her little South African lover, have adopted two native children from that country. I am sure that they will make wonderful parents for them. They so love each other.

As I glance around the empty kitchen, where Denise used to rule, I lay my keys on the kitchen counter, where I will find them the next morning to return for another day at work. I am now the manager and that, thank goodness, keeps me very busy with a crew that I love. Helps to not dwell excessively on what is lost.

I feel lazy this evening, so take a cereal bowl of frozen cut corn kernels out of the freezer, slice in a few bits of sausage and put it in the microwave oven to heat up. It only takes about four or five minutes. While this is buzzing along, I move to the living room and turn on the T.V. to watch the Mariners, hoping that it will not be another slaughter tonight. There is a bit of humor, though, in this train-wreck of a team. Always promising better days, that keep delaying into the future, while the team makes basketfuls of money on players that they develop and then sell to The Yankees, Red Sox or other such teams. The Yankees always express admiration for the Mariner’s organization. Why not, they have gotten a number of great players from our team over the years.

By the time that I finish rumbling this through my mind again, I hear the dinger go off on the microwave and so move to the kitchen again while the pregame festivities proceed. I love listening to Aaron and Mike doing the games. Too bad, they don’t get to cover a winner, so far.

When I take the bowl of corn and sausage out of the oven, carefully because it is scalding hot, I sit it on a kitchen towel folded over twice and then get the tub of margarine out. This is what transforms this plain fare into great fare. Just two tablespoons of margarine and a dash of salt and it becomes outrageously tasty. I think I could live on it, if I had to.

So, I grab a liter bottle of one of the flavors of sparkling water, peach crème this time and move with my meal and drink to the living room to see if the team can stay in contention for at least a couple of innings. If not, there is always Vogelbach, a sturdy built powerhouse to liven things up when he comes to bat. Haniger has seemed to have regressed in his five-star gifts. Still plays excellent defense, though.

As I sit down, I notice that they are going to go with the ‘opener’ again, it is the latest experimental ply to keep the first round of the top of the lineup from taking an unbeatable lead. They bring in a relief pitcher for the first inning, and then the ‘starter’ for the next several innings. The ‘starter’ still gets the win if they are ahead when he leaves, because the first pitcher in the game has to complete five innings to get a win.

Well, another new pitcher up from the minors is given the chore this night and he is slaughtered by the Angel’s lineup and then the game settles into seeing if the Mariners can at least score some runs this night. Not so, they are no-hit. But I am not downed by this, it is the usual lately.

After the game I listen to the late news and then move to get ready for bed. This is the part that I usually dread so much. She will not be there with me, to love me and comfort me through the night.

It’s not that I have to be alone, several of the gals at work and around the periphery of my family would love to come and fluff me up. But I just can’t bring myself to do so yet.

As I lay my head down on the pillow with me next to the space that she used to occupy in my bed and heart, I call up some of my favorite memories of her and I. There are so many to enjoy.

When we met at the company picnic, we had worked in the same store for some time, but as were in different departments at the time, had different schedules and so never had lunches together, we were barely aware of each other. But at the picnic, she happened to be watching the men make relatively a low level of fools of themselves and when I hit a particularly timely double into left field, she was there to cheer me as I came to get a soft drink at the snack’s table.

As I reached for a can of my favorite root beer, I happened to look down into her eyes. Wow, what a sight. They were brown and so very warm of nature. She was not gorgeous, I suppose, but she was very attractive and intelligent to converse with. I was stricken right away. I never made it back into the game and we talked until dark when we all had to leave. We made plans to go to a movie the next weekend, and thing progressed from there on.

Since we were both in our middle twenties, things progressed rather rapidly and we got engaged to marry six months later. I think that she would have gladly given herself to me during our courtship, but though it entered my mind regularly, I managed to keep my dick in my pants until two weeks before the wedding.

She had invited me over to discuss the practical matters of melding our lives together, including a brand-new home for us. When I arrived to the very same kitchen that I regularly visit alone now, she was at the counter preparing dinner for the both of us. She was in a thin working house dress, with nothing much underneath. It was hot weather outside and the air conditioner wasn’t installed yet. I saw a drop of perspiration on her upper lip and took out my hankie and dabbed it off for her as she momentarily held still while staring up into my eyes.

It was one of those moments in life, when the forces of life take over and the two involved are just along for the ride. She pulled the pan off of the burner and turned into my arms. Her brown eyes never left mine and I took her into my arms to feel the total body love from her. I could feel her breasts against my chest, her tummy splayed up to mine, her pubis rubbing up to my uprisen dick and her legs entwined with mine. It was like we had become one person, two parts finally joined together.

After we kissed feverishly, she looked up into my eyes and nodded to me, so I took her legs up into my arms and carried this sweet young woman to the new bed in our future bedroom that she only had slept in so far.

We didn’t bother to undress, for we weren’t married yet, you know. I laid her down on her back and with my hand under her dress to caress her naked breasts, stomach, belly and finally her pussy, she had her hand inside of my pants. It didn’t take long and my zipper was opened and she lifted her dress for me and I had my knees in between hers and quickly had her pussy hole filled up with me.

There was no obstruction, nor any blood. She looked into my eyes for my reaction, but I didn’t really care if she had lost her virginity to someone else. I was going to have her from then on. And she read this in my eyes. I could see that this was a giant relief to her and then she just settled in to accept my cocking her and enjoying the sensations that it was causing her.

When I came up into her, she gave a small reflex in response. I looked to her and with my eyes and lips promised her much better in the future, and she smiled with a look that said, “You better!!!” then with my cum leaking out of her pussy, she rose up to wipe it up on my clothing and then moved to the bathroom to resume a working relationship with the kitchen.

When I got my breath back, and moved to the kitchen, she was already there with the pot now rearranged back on the burner. She looked up to me and remarked, “Well, that was something, huh!!” And I leaned over and gave her a hearty kiss. Then I moved to the living room to watch the Mariners in one of their good years.

My mind wanted to bring up our honeymoon, but that was just so glorious. But it was a dream come true then, and I felt that it was so special that it should stay as a dear memory and not be relived.

So, as the memories of our many years rolled by, like some newsreel, it stopped at a considerably special time we had with a fun couple that we did some things with. Denise and I didn’t really need friends very much. We were a complete unit in ourselves and very busy with our lives and our children. But at one of the family get-togethers we met a young couple from the extended family and found a lot in common with them. And they had children about the same ages as ours. And they got along very well ……. not too well if you know what I mean.

One summer we got talked into taking a vacation with them. The children were old enough to want to go to a summer camp, and so Denise, I and the couple took a two-week trip together. One of the only ones that we did without the children until they grew up and went on their own ways.

They were such a wonderful couple and we had just a buffo good time together. One night, we all had a bit too much rum and when we got back to our shared cabin on the ship, they on one side of the room and we on the other, something rose up in the air and we all began looking at each other and admiring what we saw in the other’s mate. An idea began to rise in us, an outrageous desire to experience the other’s mate.

So, still in our middling rum-inspired mind state, we got the mattresses off of the two beds and mounted them side by side on the floor. Then the gals, too plastered to really completely undress for this, had us take off their panties, each one the other’s mate, and the girls pulled the top of the summer dresses down and the hem up and left us to whatever might come from that.

With two willing women on the floor ready to be serviced and Matt and I with our trunks off to accommodate this, we each leaned over the other’s mate and kissed and caressed them soundly. The girls were completely lit up with this, but when it came time for the denouement, we guys smiled at each other and moved back to our own port holes.

The girls were laughing at us over this, but the laughter died out when he and I were soundly entered into each of our dear wives. But the two wives held out hands to grasp each other’s and they seemed to meld into some double bodied female entity, that with each of their husbands in them, seemed to get some impression of fucking the other’s man, too.

We guys had no inclination to holding hands, too. But we could also feel the extended sensations of the two women under us. So, we grabbed our beach hats, and mounted up on top of them with our dick firmly panted into their pussies and we jointly rode off into the sensual sunset, with the girls rumbling beneath us and screaming up into the air.

Thankfully, they came very soon with that, since we got reminders of the lateness of the hour on the walls from the other’s trying to sleep. Then we rolled up together and with them up to our fronts, we guys back to back, let them hold hands as we slept the rest of the night away.

Nothing was mentioned about this, the next morning, just a lot of smiles manifested.

Then to my mind came the day that Denise let me know about her death sentence. She had some deadly condition with some thirty or so letters to its name, but it all spelled doom for my love. I was devastated. Then she said that she would be pretty good until the last few weeks, so we made arrangements to take a personal vacation about six weeks before the end.

The time up to that was rather pleasant because with an end in view, we were even more accommodating and affectionate with each other. We knew of the darkness that was coming, but wanted to not waste any of our time together. So, the love poured out of us for each other over that time.

Then came the final vacation together. We knew it to be, since she was starting to weaken already. But she was still up to us having a really good time together for the four planned days.

We didn’t want to prematurely wear her out, so we planned very little on this vacation. We took up a rental condo in the big city nearby, and just spent our time looking over many albums of our family pictures, reliving each of the situations shown. There were a lot of tears with the birth and growth of our children, who were still doing fine at this time. They had not been told of the terminal condition of their mother and so their relationships with her had remained normal. And the grandchildren got to spend a lot of time with their nana up until the end.

We went to a couple of movies, had dinner out each night and took in a play at the local performance theater. It was all very fine and not sad at all. And each night we made very gentle love to each other, for her to remember when things got really bad.

The last night, she asked me to do the things with her that I had always wanted to do, but had refrained from doing due to her resistance of them real or imagined.

“Are you sure about this, dear? I have wanted a number of really kinky things to do with you, not that I am a bit disappointed in all of the things that we did.”

“Bill, you have been a wonderful husband and lover. And I would have done most all of those things if you had pushed it. But tonight, you have a free pass to ask anything of me and I will do it for you.”

So, I asked her about a really kinky role play of her pretending to be a daughter of mine, not the one that we actually had, and acquiescing to my seducing of her. She said that that would be a lot of fun, since she knew I would never do that in real life. I think that she was pretty much accurate on that.

She took a pair of scissors and cut one of her long and pretty night gowns up so that it just came to below her breasts and then got into bed with the aspect of a young girl sleeping with her daddy for the first time.

As I laid down next to her, “Oh, Daddy, thank you for letting me sleep with you tonight. I know that you miss her so badly when she is gone. And I know that you need regular intimacies, too.”

“You know about that, my little love?”

“Of course, Daddy. Mommy talks to me about all of the things that I will need to know for my future as a woman. She has always said that you have been a wonderful lover to her and she loves you dearly.”

“Well, I love her dearly also. And she has been a wonderful wife and mother. Not just a great lover over the years.”

“I know, Daddy. I have been here all along with you two and my siblings, too. We have been a very happy family. And I miss them also, since they have moved on to their own lives now.”

I let her then feel my loneliness with all of this by hugging up to her. And in response to that, she let her gown work its way up so that her dear breasts were up to my mouth. When I opened my mouth to talk with her, she moved her nipple into it for me to suckle. I was stunned, but went ahead with this affectionate service to her.

Then she reached down and lowered my jammies, exposing my cock. I was about to freeze up with this, but she reached down to handle it and I melted into her arms with this. She soon moved down to take it up in other mouth. She had lost most of her teeth from her disease and so had them all pulled, so she took out her dentures to protect my member. Something she couldn’t have done if she really was about sixteen-year old.

I could feel her suckling on it, and the sounds and moans from her as she progressed. I was busy with her pussy at the same time and very quickly she had me up and into her pussy with my daddy’s cock. “Fuck me Daddy, came from her mouth and with that, I bounced up into her and we came together rather quickly. With that we relaxed and reassumed our regular manners.

She then asked what I would like to do next, and I with a bit of shyness let her know that I had always wanted to pee into her mouth. She laughed at that and informed me that she wanted to do that to me, also. So, we arranged to satisfy each other. First by her sitting in the tub and facing out with her mouth open and me after clearing my dick by a quick short spurt of urine, then turned to her and poured out the rest into her welcoming mouth. She swallowed some of it and then laughed out loud with, “You’re next!”

We then moved to the bed with a couple of extra towels doubled over under the pillow and with her pussy in the face sitting position, she reached down to open her pussy lips and proceeded to empty herself into my mouth. I also got some of it swallowed, too. And we had to move to the other bed from the overflow.

We, both moved to the bathroom to freshen up our mouths with mouthwash and then moved to the other bed. The one that she hadn’t just peed into my mouth on. The bedding from the other bed was piled on the floor with a note of, ‘SORRY.’

I then asked her what she would like to do that we had never done before. She looked me in the eyes and mentioned me fucking her mouth to completion. Not her sucking me off, though that would be involved, but me actually plowing up into her mouth until I emptied my cum down her throat, just like I was servicing her pussy. I answered that it sounded like a great idea. Why hadn’t I thought of it myself. But she laughed and said that you probably did, but was just too shy to ask. And with that I nodded in agreement.

So, with two more towels rolled up and mounted under her neck so that her mouth while she was on her back would be aimed to my cock, much like her pussy would if I was mounted up to it. And she had her dentures out again, too.

So, with her in place, I mounted up to her mouth with my dick, and leaning down her body took up kissing and tonguing her pussy, like I would have done to her mouth if we were in the normal orientation. She gargled a bit at first, but finally got her mouth and throat in the proper orientation for me to fuck it and her still able to breathe. I did not delay, because I knew that she wouldn’t be able to take this for long, so I moved right into pounding her mouth and throat, just like I would have her pussy. She took it very well and augmented the sensations of my dick with her lips and tongue acting in concert with her throat.

Soon, I was pouring my cum down her throat to her stomach and her cum was filling my mouth from her pussy. After we each to our fills, we reoriented ourselves and gathered up together to sleep the rest of the night.

On the way home, we were feeling especially close and happy. As we drove along, she let me know that there was letter from her to be read by me upon the six months from her death and not before. As I remember this in the dream, it came to me that I had forgotten it, and it would be due to be read in a couple of days.

So, when I woke up in the morning from this most pleasant dream, I moved the letter from my locking file to laying on my day planner for the proper day.

When I got home from work on the proper day, I got one of my root beers out of the fridge and put in some of the casserole left for me by my daughter’s lover. It was a kind of veggie lasagna and was wonderful. She really liked me. And treated me a lot like her dad, too.

I sat in my Naugahyde relaxing chair and opened the letter from my dear departed wife.


My darling husband, Bill:

I am gone now from your life, but surely not your memory. I want you to know that you were the best husband that I could have imagined. And our life together was a very pleasant dream come true for me.

But I don’t want you to be so stuck in the past that you don’t take care of yourself from now on.

I know that our children are in good hands, and so am not worried about them.

However, I know from our years together how important it is for you to get regular intimacies and affection. So, I am passing on the following for your consideration.

Monica, in the bakery, the Hispanic cake decorator has loved you for many years. She felt this way even before we met and was devastated when you met and fell in love with me. She recovered from this and met and married a Hispanic man who turned out to be a most pleasant fellow until he was killed in a car wreck before he could get her pregnant. She has lived the years since in sorrow that she lost out on you and then lost him, too.

She still loves you, and I want you to take care of her, too. Just like you did me. She needs you even more that you need her.

Please answer my prayer on this and be happy, my love.



I was stunned by all of this, but I just couldn’t ignore such heartfelt concern for me and Monica. So, I passed on an invitation to her to go out on a date and less than six months later, we were up on the stage giving our vows.

In the split-second between the last, “I do.” And the kiss, I heard in my ear Denise’s voice tell me, “Now take this woman and care for her, my love. I will be waiting for you for after your years are done. Maybe all three of us can be together here.”

With that, I reached down to kiss my new smiling wife that had waited so many years for this day.