A poem; Journey of the message

Love searched and sought

The journey of the message by LtnScorpio4x

Once starting from land, over the mountains, and then across the sea, I am one, alone, up against storms and obstacles, and I dodge, and I fight, rocky…smooth…calm. and floppy, teeter totters seas, that change; that shift, and there are many moods, as it all BECOMES AND feels very different at various cycles; these are ventures I face in the body of waters, changing from moment to moment, high and low, up and down, swaying, and modulating, abrupt and unsure, surprisingly tossing to and fro, upheavals, and at times a battle, illness, frightful and tiring to the mind and soul, but no matter whether it be the horizon or compass to guide me, I cling to the hope of soon reaching shore, and search for clear blue skies, for sign of overhead birds; the doves and seagulls, that my tempestuous voyage will ultimately end, taking me to my final destiny, to safety, and to calm, and to reveal to you (myself) that which is in my heart, and to once again hold you in my arms, to be whole again. There is no depression and fear; it would be NORMAL all again…

And I yearn to whisper the message sooner than late that so long of a journey has cost me to tell you… when at last I have found you, tell you (myself) that I was never gone, I was always there, but interrupted..

“At last I am home, Safe, and I love you. Calms are finally mine as are yours.”

See the sparkle that still remains in my eyes and the desire for you, (myself) and to live, in my voice. But please forgive me for the tatter signs that my experience has sewn, for I know the minute my eyes behold you, all troubles of my journey to find you will be my past, for I will forge a new beginning with you, bringing our experiences and the protection and my love together, for at last, I would have reached you, as one.

For you see, and you can believe my heart, that I did not forget you, or the feeling to your love, to be with you, for I have searched high and low to find you.

And at last I am here before you and yes; Calms are mine as are yours.

I stand here, alone, beaconed to the light in your eyes, to behold you, and the tears in my eyes, will be my last for I am now here and at last.

I am solely for you, and my gift to you, for you see, as a symbol, I have only one petal left of the many roses that I had voyaged to give to you, only but one petal remains, for that is what I am, one standing petal, but a true petal, the one who really cares, and loves you.

For the other ones did not care, as some either blew fast to the wind, or wilted AWAY to the sun, and did not hold long, leaving behind, so abandoned a once promised stem in pain, but not I, for I am true in my love for you.

Please, let me take your hands, to caress them, to kiss them, and to feel their warmth, for I have missed you all so much… for now that I am here… I am yours and forevermore,

Again, lets us walk to that garden rose, as one, happy…WHOLE