A highschool love story

This story is fiction. Any reseblance to any persons living or dead is Completely coincidental

I was a normal sophmore in Highschool. The only exceptional thing about me was i could play guitar, piano, drums, ect…. still not that different. I was at a loss in terms of girls. I struggled finding people to date, i had only kissed one girl, and i only kissed her one time, but still, in my mind it counted.

I acted in the school musical which is where i met Anna-beth. She was a senior. She had strawberry blonde hair, freckled face, and was tall, around 6 feet. I met here through my friend Abbey, who was 5,11. she had black hair, and a perky attitude. She was my best friend, and I secretly had a crush on her. They were both very attractive to me, but since Anna-beth was a senior and Abbey was a junior, I never bothered.

The musical was great fun, and I made a lot of friends that lasted throughout high school. One day in class, choir if you care that much, Abbey told me about her newest boyfriend, named Bailey, I knew the guy but wasn’t a fan. He had been suspended many times, but what can I say? Girls love bad boys. I was very jealous, but me being me, i never let my feelings show. I hid my lust for Abbey and Anna-beth, I kept looking for someone else.

One day in Civics class I got a text from Anna-beth asking if I would mind playing guitar in the senior talent show for one of her friends. I was hesitant, but she sent me the number of a girl named Hailey. I told her maybe, depending on the song. At lunch I was sitting by myself listening to music as normal, until I felt a foreign finger tap my shoulder. I turned, removing my ear buds. Before me stood a gorgeous redhead, with a light dusting of freckles. She wore a plaid shirt tied at the bottom in a knot showing just a little midriff of her stomach. Her jeans had an inlay of beads, and the bottoms were tucked into her cowboy boots.

“Hi” She said excitedly “I’m Hailey….. The one Anna-beth told you about?” I instantly relaxed.
“Oh, Hi, im Jeremiah. Nice to meet you” I reached out and shook her waiting hand. She giggled. She sat next to me, saying “hope you don’t mind” I shook my head no.

“So, the song I want to do is a country song, called ‘Another life’” she stated. My face lit up.
I said “I love that song!” I dont know it on guitar, but it sounds easy enough” She jumped up, excitedly. “Thank you so much, I’ll text you tonight” Hearing a girl as hot as Hailey saying she would text me made me smile. I knew she didn’t mean in a romantic way, but a boy can dream.

“Would you mind staying after school to practice next Tuesday?” she asked.
“Yeah, but I will need a ride home, I don’t have a car yet.” I said slowly, a little embarrassed. “Sure I don’t mind, i’ll see you then” She turned around and walked off through the lunch room. Before she disappeared into the sea of students, I watched her hips sway from side to side. I smiled, then turned back to my table, popping my earbuds back in.

Fast forward one week. On Tuesday I walked into the chorus room with my guitar in hand. Hailey was sitting on a chair talking to the chorus teacher. She lit up when she saw me, calling my name “Hey Jeremiah” I smiled and pulled my acoustic out of the hardshell case. I put the strap around my neck and began to play the intro for the song. She smiled and was soon singing along to the tune. I bit my lower lip concentrating on the chord progression. For a brief moment I looked up at her, she was singing and smiling at me. Her eyes seemed to sparkle when they met mine.

Our chorus teacher was in awe of the combination of Halley’s amazing vocals and my guitar. We ran the song multiple times, changing places where she would breath or my finger picking. Over the course of thirty minutes, me and Hailey controlled time, and we sounded pretty damn good. Soon we were satisfied with our sound, and she told me she wanted to leave. She asked where I lived and I told her my address and as we walked to her car, she entered my address into her GPS on her phone.

I climbed into the passenger seat of her truck, an old silverado, after putting my guitar and book bag in the back. She climbed in and started the motor. “Hold on tight” She said as she punched the gas and raced out of the parking lot.

Once on the road she started going through radio stations on the dash. Up came an old Eagles song called ‘take it to the limit’. I said “This is one of my favorite songs ever”
She laughed “me too, you have good tastes in music.” We both starting singing the song. I looked over at her. The afternoon sun cast through her perfect hair. I knew at that moment I liked Hailey. A boy could usually tell when he liked a girl with in the first few minutes, and i was no exception.

She caught me looking at her. “what?” she said smiling. “nothing Hailey” I knew i would never be able to be with her because of the age difference. I decided to start some small talk.
“So what did you do last weekend?”
“Me and my boyfriend went to the mall, then a movie” she said. My soul sank a little, but I responded quickly. “I sat inside and played with my little sister” She para-mimed herself saying ‘ahh’. There was silence for the next few minutes as her truck raced across the road.

Out of the blue she said “you’re very handsome Jeremiah” I froze. The only thing i could say was “oh” She laughed. “Do you not hear that often?” I nodded no “no, im really awkward’ i said painting a fake smile on my face.
“so? you’re still really handsome. I bet girls are just intimidated” I laughed “yeah sure. I’ve only been with one girl my whole life so im not used to hearing shit like that.”
She sighed. “Thats okay, you’ll make a girl very happy one day, I could be that girl”

I couldn’t believe my ears. Was hailey actually flirting with me. My mind was racing at a million miles an hour. I couldn’t figure out what to do. I was so caught up in trying to find the words to say, I never noticed Hailey pull onto a small dirt path, parking in a grove of willow trees. I snapped out of it when she cut the engine.

I was frozen in place afraid to look at her. In my peripheral vision I saw her look at me. I met her gaze with mine. “Jeremiah, I can tell you haven’t had too much female interaction” she said. I couldn’t speak. She said “I’d really like to help you, but I guess i’m not just doing it for you, i’m doing it for me too. Like I said, you’re really handsome” My heart felt like it was about to fall out of my chest. “What about your boyfriend?” I asked.

“I feel us growing apart, and I want to leave him, and i’m thinking about dating you if you don’t mind.” I coughed, not believing what I was hearing. I hesitated “No, I don’t mind” I said slowly. She grinned and closed her eyes. I felt her lips touch my cheek. I sighed. “Hailey, ever since I met you I’ve liked you. I think your really pretty, and.. err” I started stumbling over my words.

She drew me by my cheek near her whispering “shut up” I felt her lips touch mine. The feeling was so much more than my first kiss. It was like sparks flew past my head. I felt the euphoria inscribed in romance novels. I felt her tongue wiggle against my lower lip. I pulled away, breaking the kiss. She looked at me quizzically, as if asking if something was wrong. I replied no by clasping my lips on hers again. Again i felt her tongue, and this time I opened my mouth giving her access. Our tongues danced, clashing back and forth. I heard her moan, which made my cock give notice.

I felt her hand grab mine, and push it against her chest. Through her plaid shirt, i felt her nipples stiffen. I couldn’t believe I was actually touching Hailey’s titties. She moaned as i kneaded her breasts. I began unbuttoning her shirt. It fell, and her black lace bra was facing at me. I broke the kiss and took in the sight before me. Her tits looked around C cup. They were perky and pale. Freckles were scattered around her neck and upper chest. She reached behind her back undoing the strap.

“Do you like them baby?” she asked. All I did was nod, I felt like I was drooling. With a sexy wink from Hailey, she dropped her bra, revealing her tits. She had small nipples that stood tall and proud. I reached out and grasped her bare chest, I rolled her nipples in my fingers. she moaned loudly, exciting my cock further.

She climbed onto my lap. I took a risk. Her eyes begged for me to suck her nipples, so i took her right nipple in mouth. She moaned my name. “Oh my god, Jeremiah, you’re so good. mmmm, I want you to fuck me so bad” I couldn’t believe it. She wanted me to fuck her. I wasn’t about the stop. I felt her grinding against my cock.. She opened the door to the truck and got out. “Come here, I have some blankets in the back.

Excitedly I followed, removing my shirt. I climbed in the back with her. She laid me against the back window in a sitting position. She pulled my jeans down, and my bulge was evident in my boxers. “mmmm, your a big boy. You look much bigger then my boyfriend” my self esteem soared. She tore my boxers off and my cock sprung out like a flag pole. She seemed to purr as my cock twitched in her hands. She licked the tip, before finally plunging down on my. My neck went slack and my hands reached for her hair. I pushed her down farther making her deep throat me. She comes up for air. “mmm baby, I like when you force me to deepthroat you, keep going.” she plunges back down working my cock like a pro. I felt my loins tightened. I told her to get ready for my cum. I discharged two giant loads of pearly white cum down her throat. She kept blowing me, trying to keep me hard. I never got soft, and soon i was ready for round two.

She pulled off her cowboy boots, and jeans. Her panties matched her bra, and they were sopping wet. She pulled them off and positioned herself above me. I braced myself for something I’ve wanted for so long. She lowered herself on me, and my cock penetrated her cunt. She threw her head back and moaned. I adjusted to the feeling of having my cock in her. She felt like a velvet vice, surrounding me.

She started slowly bouncing in my lap, my cock going in and out of her slowly. She began picking up the pace. I decided to play with her tits, pinching her nipples. She leaned down and kissed me. Her tongue swept past my lips as i grabbed her ass cheeks and began fucking her harder. She was moaning my name, which made my self-esteem go up even further.

“Fuck Jeremiah. You feel so good inside me. I want you to cum in me so bad. mmmm You’re so good babe” she screamed.
“Arent you worried about getting pregnant?” I asked concerned.
“No, I’m on the pill. Now do it. Cum in me, i want it”

That was all it took. I felt my cum rise in my balls. She arched her back in orgasm as I came deep in her cooch. We didnt dare move. Once we came down from the high of orgasm, she leaned down and kissed me.

“I love you Jeremiah” She said slowly.
“I love you too Hailey” I made my cock jump in her, startling her. “Dont worry” I said “We are doing this again soon”

We got dressed and climbed back into her car. She got back on the main road, and took me home. She didn’t look freshly fucked. She looked just as beautiful as ever. once we pulled into my driveway, I kissed her goodbye, and got out. Grabbing my stuff, from the back, I turned and saw her blow me a kiss. I para-mimed myself catching it. I stood there until she left, watching until she was completely gone from view.

-Part two coming soon-